
Tax-related conflict management

The tax authorities have become much more vigilant over the years. Taxpayers have to make regular declarations.

Taxes are the basis on which the state can fulfill its tasks. In principle, our tax system is designed to distribute tax burdens fairly according to ability to pay. At the same time, a variety of tax types that has grown over time, coupled with an almost unmanageable number of exemptions and special regulations, makes this system unmanageable for most taxpayers.

The consequences: Mistakes are made in tax declarations, often out of ignorance. Sometimes, however, loopholes in the tax system are sought and used to reduce the tax burden, often just below the limit of illegality, sometimes clearly beyond the bounds of legality. Not to mention undoubtedly criminal activities such as VAT carousels or “black” cash registers.

The tax authorities have become much more vigilant over the years. Tax and tax auditors are taking a closer look. Taxpayers regularly have to explain themselves. One of Minoggio Grezesch Bachmann’s core competencies is to support companies and individuals in disputes with the tax authorities, whether they are imminent or have already escalated.

Against the backdrop of countless tax audits, which we accompany for companies in various sectors and of different sizes, we not only offer you the necessary expertise, but above all always convince with the sensitivity that is needed to resolve a conflict in the tax area.

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