
Recognize tax violations at an early stage and avoid them wherever possible.

Mistakes are human and happen, even in a company’s tax department.
However, transparent processes, clear allocation of tasks, the dual control principle and regular checks can minimize the risk of serious errors occurring.

A tax compliance management system (tax CMS) is now standard in many companies.
Where this is not the case – whether due to a lack of resources or because the size of the company is manageable – company managers should nevertheless address potential tax risks and identify and quickly rectify weaknesses in the handling of their tax affairs.

Proof of a tax CMS is not least a strong indication against the existence of intent or recklessness in the case of incorrect or incomplete tax returns.
The Federal Ministry of Finance already clarified this in 2016 in its application decree on Section 153 AO (see BMF letter dated 23.06.2016, BStBl 2016 I p. 490, margin no. 2.6).

As specialists in criminal tax law, the lawyers at Minoggio Grezesch Bachmann offer you all the expertise you need to minimize tax liability and criminal liability risks for company employees and the company itself as far as possible.

In close cooperation with you and, if necessary, your tax advisor, we develop a Tax CMS tailored to your specific needs.
We analyze the tax risks and point out weaknesses in your processes.
By implementing efficient, tailor-made tax compliance measures, we create the basis for ensuring that you and your employees behave correctly from a tax perspective in the future.
In this way, we can minimize the risk of violations of tax laws and regulations.

Suitable tax compliance measures can consist of several components.
The most far-reaching step is the implementation of an individual and comprehensive tax CMS.
However, the creation of internal tax guidelines and checklists for corporate tax standards, careful procedural and process documentation or the establishment of internal control systems to fulfill tax obligations can also bring decisive progress in the prevention of tax misconduct.

We would also be happy to conduct training courses for your employees at your company to raise their awareness of tax risks, identify breaches of the rules at an early stage and avoid them wherever possible.